We at Pelagia work with a variety of different projects and organizations. Our clients come from both the private and public sector, for example, organisations within the mining industry, fish farming industry and wind power industry as well as municipalities, public authorities and universities. The one thing in common with each project is that we work towards creating the best possible outcome. Please take a further read on some of the projects in which we have contributed to.
LKAB: Environmental permit for mining industry at Vitåfors
In the coming application for environmental permit, with its environmental impact statements, Pelagia is in charge of investigations and consequence assessments connected to recipient impact in aquatic environments, Nature 2000 and protected species. The work has been going on since 2017 and has among other things included inventories of birds, otter, river pearl mussels and so forth. Nature value inventories and large amount of aquatic investigations of everything from phytoplankton examinations to complex fish investigations.
Biological laboratory
An important part of our business is our biology laboratory located at our headquarters in Umeå. At the laboratory, we carry out accredited biological analyses including benthic fauna, diatoms/algae, phytoplankton, zooplankton as well as fish physiology analysis.
We would like to work with you
Whether you are a private actor or are coming from the public sector, we want to hear your questions and thoughts. Fill in the form and we will get in touch shortly – Together we can make a difference!